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Questions to Ask Yourself if You Suspect Nursing Home Abuse


If you have a loved one in a nursing home, it is important to always watch for signs of abuse or neglect. When you spot the signs of nursing home abuse, you should ask the staff members about it, and even question your loved one to try and get to the bottom of it. However, there are also questions you should ask yourself, perhaps even before you speak to anyone else, to determine if abuse or neglect is occurring.

Is the Property Properly Maintained?

The grounds of a nursing home must always be properly maintained. If they are not, the premises could contain hazards and risks that could cause a resident to slip and fall, or otherwise become injured. Additionally, if the grounds are not properly maintained, there is a good chance staff members are overlooking other hygienic and cleanliness issues.

Is the Facility Secure?

Nursing homes should always have some type of security measures. It may be a locked front door that requires authorization before anyone comes in, or a front desk that is manned at all times. If the facility is not secure, unauthorized individuals may enter or a resident could wander out on their own, which puts them at risk.

Do Other Residents Seem Happy?

One of the best ways to get a feeling for how the nursing home staff members treat their residents is to observe their behavior. Do the residents seem happy to be there? Are they active and have a number of options for socializing? Or, do they seem withdrawn, lonely, or sad? If they do, it may mean their basic nursing home residents’ rights are being violated and that they are victims of abuse or neglect.

Is Your Family Member Acting Differently?

Perhaps your family member was once very active and outgoing but they have withdrawn from certain situations. Maybe they once loved certain activities they did on their own, such as putting together a puzzle, but they have stopped doing them. Any time your family member starts acting differently, it may be due to nursing home abuse or neglect.

Is Your Family Member Receiving Medical Care?

Nursing homes are expected to have a nurse on staff at all times so residents can receive the medical care they need. If cuts or other injuries and illnesses are left untreated, it is a sign residents are not receiving the proper medical care they need and could indicate their other needs are not being met, either.

Does Your Loved One Act Differently Around Certain Staff Members?

If your loved one stops talking when a certain staff member enters the room, or they actively try to avoid certain staff members, it may be because they abused or neglected your loved one in the past. Always take note of how your family member acts when staff members are around so you notice any changes right away.

Do You Need a Florida Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer?

Any time you suspect a family member has been the victim of nursing home abuse or neglect, it is time to speak to a Tampa nursing home abuse lawyer. At Kohn Law, we know how to identify abuse when it is occurring, and will hold the nursing home responsible for any wrongdoing. Call us today at 813-428-8504 or fill out our online form to schedule a free consultation so we can review your case.

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