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Monthly Archives: July 2022


Questions To Ask A Tampa Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

By Kohn Law |

Nursing home abuse is one of the most devastating forms of negligence. Residents in nursing homes highly depend on their caregivers to tend to their daily needs. When staff members in these facilities breach that trust, it can cause seniors significant harm. If you suspect that your loved one is a victim of abuse,… Read More »

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The Impact Of Substance Abuse On Nursing Home Patients

By Kohn Law |

Physical, emotional, sexual, and financial abuse are just a few types of abuse and neglect that happens in nursing homes. There is another type of abuse that occurs, though, and that is substance abuse. Staff members in nursing homes may abuse alcohol or drugs while they are caring for residents or a resident may… Read More »

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Holding Nursing Homes Liable For Negligent Hiring Practices

By Kohn Law |

Nursing homes have the very important task of caring for society’s most vulnerable population, the elderly. Unfortunately, nursing home administrators do not always take this responsibility seriously. Instead, they prioritize the profits of the facility over the safety and well-being of their residents. They try to cut corners in an effort to save money…. Read More »

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When Are Nursing Homes Liable For Wheelchair Injuries?

By Kohn Law |

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), falls are the leading cause of fatalities and injuries among individuals over the age of 65. To prevent a dangerous fall from occurring, many nursing home residents rely on wheelchairs to get around the facility. Some residents are confined to a wheelchair any time… Read More »

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